The Centre for Economic Policy Research coordinates the initiative under the direction of Simon Evenett.
The Global Trade Alert (GTA) is:
GTA is co-ordinated by the Centre for Economic Policy Research, an independent academic and policy research think-tank based in London, UK. GTA draws upon expertise and analysis from 7 independent research institutions around the world.
GTA complements and goes beyond the WTO and World Bank's monitoring initiatives by identifying those trading partners likely to be harmed by state measures.
The GTA website allows policy-makers, exporters, the media, and analysts to search the posted government measures by implementing country, by trading partners harmed, and by sector. Third parties will be able to report suspicious state measures and governments will be given the right to reply to any of their measures listed on the website.
The GTA website allows policymakers, government officials, exporters, the media, and analysts to report discriminatory measures, but also will provide data for all stakeholders on the posted government measures by implementing country, by trading partners harmed, and by sector.
Timely: The up-to-date information and informed commentary provided by Global Trade Alert will help ensure that the G20 pledge not to “repeat the historic mistakes of protectionism of previous eras" is met, by maintaining confidence in the world trading system, deterring beggar-thy-neighbour acts, and preserving the contribution that exports could play in the future recovery of the world economy.
The Centre for Economic Policy Research coordinates the initiative, under the direction of Professor Simon Evenett, Co-Director of CEPR's international trade programme and Professor for Foreign Trade and Development at the University of St.Gallen.
For more information on the Global Trade Alert, please visit its website.