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The SIAW Institute at the University of St.Gallen has been founded in 1943. Since this time, issues related to the international economic order and economic policies have been a traditional focus of our institute's activities. Additionally, our journal Aussenwirtschaft (The Swiss Review of International Economic Relations) has provided both academic thinkers and policymakers with valuable analyses of the world economy for more than half a century.


The history of the modern monetary economy
In this podcast episode, we look at the development of our modern monetary system and clarify the most important questions about money, gold backing, interest rates, banks and central banks.

The 4th episode of HSG Research Insight focusses on the development and functioning of our modern monetary system. The two guests Prof Dr Johannes Binswanger and Dr Carolin Güssow describe in their book ‘Journey into the modern monetary economy’ how we ended up where we are today using an ideal-typical, fictitious village called Econville.

Why was money introduced in the first place? How has it evolved over time? Is interest necessary? Why were banks and eventually central banks invented and what influence do they have on economic development? In this episode, we want to clarify the central questions about our monetary system based on the history of Econville.
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HSG Impact Award 2018: Global Trade Alert

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HSG Impact Award 2019: Auswirkungen der Erdöl-Verschmutzung auf die Kindersterblichkeit in Nigeria
